README.TXT File Program Development Link Demonstration Version CONTENTS * Features - What you can do with the Program Development Link. * Fixing Problems - What to do to fix certain startup problems. * Notes - Special information that may not be documented elsewhere, including notes about hardware. * Contacting Hewlett-Packard - What to do if you have problems. * Upgrade information for owners of the Serial Interface Kit for IBM compatible PCs FEATURES The Program Development Link provides an on-screen programming environment for developing HP 48 applications. As you develop an application, you can send part or all of it to the HP 48. There each object in the application is stored in an HP 48 variable. You can then run the application on the HP 48 - or you can operate the HP 48 from your computer. Programming Environment: The programming environment contains several windows for entering, editing, and reviewing information. It provides commands for editing, for interacting with the HP 48, and for getting on-line Help information. Menus: You use menus to specify tasks you want to perform: * From the keyboard, you can use the [Alt] key to activate the menu bar, from which you can pick the menu and command you want, or * From the keyboard, you can press the shortcut key for the command, if any, or * With a mouse, you can press the left button to select the menu and the command. HP 48 Applications: An HP 48 application is a collection of one or more HP 48 objects that work together to perform a task. The simplest application is a program - one program object. A more complicated application might include subprograms, list objects that contain custom menus or other data, or other types of HP 48 objects. On-Line Help: The main documentation for the Program Development Link resides in the on-line Help system. It also contains a large amount of reference information about the HP 48. In The Box: The complete Program Development Link comes with the following: * 1.5-meter cable * 9-pin to 25-pin adaptor * 5-1/4 inch and 3-1/2 inch disks with PC software * HP 48 Programmer's Reference Manual * Getting Started Manual * Owner's literature The suggested retail price for the Program Development Link is $120. Call (503) 752-7736 to find the authorized Hewlett-Packard dealer nearest you. FIXING PROBLEMS If you have problems installing or starting the product, look for the description below that matches your problem. Program Development Link won't start up: * Type PATH [Enter] and check that your MS-DOS PATH variable includes the directory where you installed the software, such as C:\PDL. You can edit AUTOEXEC.BAT to add the directory to PATH. Otherwise, you must change to that drive and directory to start up the software. * Make sure you're using MS-DOS version 3.00 or later. Mouse doesn't work right: * Make sure the mouse-driver software that came with the mouse or computer is installed. * Make sure the mouse driver is activated. For example, your CONFIG.SYS file might contain DEVICE=C:\MOUSE.SYS - your AUTOEXEC.BAT file might contain C:\MOUSE.COM. Cursor doesn't work right: * If you're using movement keys on the numeric keypad, make sure "Num Lock" is off. * Check your keyboard. Certain shifted-key combinations aren't supported on the early HP Vectra PC with only [f1]...[f8] across the top of the keyboard. NOTES * Early HP Vectra PCs. Certain [Shift], [Ctrl], and [Alt] key combinations aren't supported on the early HP Vectra PC with only [f1]...[f8] across the top of the keyboard. Try using the numeric keypad - some combinations that don't work on the cursor keypad do work on the numeric keypad. * KSH users. If you use the KSH shell, you should start up the Program Development Link using the full path to the PDL program. For example, use C:/PDL/PDL. * Non-U.S. Configurations. The Program Development Link supports only country code 001 (U.S.): character code page 437 and U.S. keyboard. * Portable PCs. For a PC with a liquid-crystal display, the black-and-white color scheme may give the best display appearance. * LHARC Distribution Policy. (This policy only applies to the LHARC program used to create the self-extracting archive program that installs the Program Development Link demonstration version) Under the following conditions, you may freely copy and distribute this software: 1. Under all circumstances, "Copyright by Haruyasu Yoshizaki" must be attached to the copy. 2. This manual or its hardcopy should go together with the software. 3. You may modify the program, but in that case, you must distri- bute the complete source code for the program, including your specific contributions and you must make it clear that you have made such modifications. 4. You must try to distribute the latest version available. 5. I assume no warranty for any claim of damage you may sustain by using this software. 6. I have no obligation to revise the program to correct any fault in this software. 7. For any commercial use of this software, I add the following: a. The entire software made incorporating this program should not be copy protected in the sense that the DISKCOPY program of MS-DOS makes an imperfect copy. b. Every part of the package should print the name "LHarc" and the copyright banner. c. The distribution policy of this software should be printed either in the manual, in the package or on the disk label. Comment: If a commercial package or a shareware product uses LHarc with self-extracting SFX form for the distribution, then the Copy- right statement must appear with SFX header. I consider this as a claim of LHarc's Banner. CONTACTING HEWLETT-PACKARD If you have questions about how to use the Program Development Link, first check the built-in on-line Help system. (Also check the HP 48 Owner's Manual, appendix A.) If you can't find an answer in those places, you can contact the Calculator Support department: Hewlett-Packard Calculator Support 1000 N.E. Circle Blvd. Corvallis, OR 97330, U.S.A. (503) 757-2004 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pacific time Monday through Friday UPGRADE FOR OWNERS OF THE 82208A SERIAL INTERFACE KIT FOR IBM COMPATIBLE PCs An upgrade is available for owners of the Serial Interface Kit for IBM-compatible PCs. If you are a registered owner of the Serial Interface Kit, you already received an upgrade form in the mail. If you purchased a serial interface kit for IBM-compatible PCs but are not a registered owner, you are still eligible for the upgrade. Fill out the upgrade form below. Enclose a check for $30.00 made out to "Serial Interface Upgrade Program" and the master disks from your Serial Interface Kit. You will receive the upgrade kit (a set of 5-1/4 inch and 3-1/2 inch disks and the manual, Getting Started with the Program Development Link) in about four weeks. --------------------------------(cut here)-------------------------------- Please send the HP 82208B Program Development Link for IBM and IBM-compatible PCs to: Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________ State ____________Zip __________ Daytime phone ___/ ____-___________ Method of payment: [ ] Check [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard (Make checks payable to: Serial Interface Upgrade) Visa/MasterCard Acct No:_________________ Expires: Month ______ Year ____ Signature_________________________________________________________________ Mail this completed coupon to: Serial Interface Upgrade, PO Box 2208, Corvallis, OR 97339. Envelopes must be postmarked by 6/30/91. Not redeemable at retailer. Offer good only in U.S.